Call Senator


The Iran Deal is flawed. It includes an expiration date, paving the way for Iran to develop nuclear weapons in the near future. It lacks American inspectors on the ground and an adequate way to ensure compliance with the deal. And it inadequately addresses the full spectrum of Iran's dangerous foreign affairs. President Trump has given Congress an opportunity to fix the deal and address comprehensively Iran's aggression. 

It's time for Senator McConnell to act and support the Corker-Cotton bill. This piece of legislation would:
  • Amend the Iran Deal to not include a sunset policy and expand inspections for ensuring compliance.
  • Stop billions of dollars of sanctions relief from flowing to Iran, the largest state sponsor of terrorism.
  • Address the growing threat of Iran's ballistic missile program and their nuclear delivery systems.
Call now and tell him to stand up for America and support the Corker-Cotton bill. 

(202) 224-2541

Don’t let history repeat itself!

In 1938, Prime Minister Chamberlain made a deal promising peace with Hitler. Months later Hitler invaded Poland. In 1994, President Clinton struck a deal with our enemy, North Korea. North Korea violated the deal in a few short years and obtained nuclear weapons. And now in 2015, the United States has struck a deal with the Islamic Republic of Iran, the world’s foremost State sponsor of terror. Only one year later, Iran has already violated the deal numerous times, by testing missiles, continuing to sponsor terror, taking American soldiers hostage and more.

We've seen deals like this in the past. Deals promising peace but result in bringing us closer to war. We cannot let history repeat itself! Why do we think that this deal will have a different outcome? Iran is the leading state sponsor of terrorism. This deal will give them hundreds of billions of dollars and puts them on the path to getting nuclear weapons. They continually chant “death to America” and burn our flag in rallies to celebrating the recent deal. Does this deal really make us safer? OR will it increase the likelihood of our children facing nuclear war in the future?